AGG Generators in GAMUT Albert Xin Jiang ( Based on the GAMUT project ( There are four generators that uses AGG: RandomSymmetricAGG, CoffeeShopGame, IceCreamGame, and JobMarketGame. Descriptions of these games can be found in the following paper: A.X. Jiang, K. Leyton-Brown and N. Bhat, Action-Graph Games, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 71, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 141-173. GAMUT's default output format is in normal form. Use the option "-output SpecialOutput" for generating AGG description files instead. The file format is specified in Example commands: java -jar gamut.jar -g RandomSymmetricAGG -players 4 -actions 4 -random_params -output SpecialOutput java -jar gamut.jar -g IceCreamGame -players 3 -actions 8 -random_params -output SpecialOutput java -jar gamut.jar -g CoffeeShopGame -players 2 -rows 4 -columns 4 -home_func PolyFunction -home_func_params [ -degree 3 -coefs 0 0 0 -1 ] -near_func PolyFunction -near_func_params [ -degree 2 -coefs 0 0 -1 ] -far_func PolyFunction -far_func_params [ -degree 1 -coefs 5 -0.5 ] -combine_func SumFunction -combine_func_params [ ] -output SpecialOutput java -jar gamut.jar -random_seed 1 -g JobMarketGame -players 15 -actions 7 -random_params -output SpecialOutput